Английский язык, опубликовано 18.04.2019 21:40

Alexander bondarev, the chief manager of a russian trade firm, traveled to the usa on business last week. he had arrived at the airport an hour before the plane was due to take off. he had his ticket registered, filled in a declaration form and joined the passengers in the waiting room. when they heard the announcement, «attention, please. will passengers for new york join flight 225, at gate 14? » the
passengers had their luggage x-rayed and boarded the plane. the stewardess gave each passenger an arrival card to fill in. there he wrote in block letters his full name, home address and the purpose of his visit. after the sign «stop smoking. fasten your seatbelts. » had appeared, the plane took off. although it was flying at a high speed, the flight lasted 12 hours, which was rather tiresome. when he was
going through the customs, he met his former co-worker, yuri ivlev. they hadn’t seen each other for ages and had a lot of news to discus, but, unfortunately. alexander was very pressed for time, so they decided to meet later the next evening. at the hotel he filled in a check-in card and got the key fr om his single room on the 11th floor, he took a shower, got into bed and slept like a log. next morning
after breakfast he called for a taxi, because he had an appointment with the director of the american trade company, who was expecting him at 10: 30 a.m. they discussed a lot of business problems, shared some new ideas and signed a contract. alexander was quite satisfied with these business talks. when he was going to the hotel he remembered that he had agreed to meet yuri in the evening. they met in a
hotel restaurant and told each other much interesting about their work experience in the usa. it appeared that yuri had signed a long –term contract and was going to stay there for a year and asked alexander to take a parcel for his family. alexander spent a week in new york, wh ere he his business partners and made profitable transactions. he returned to russia in high spirits, because the trip had been
very successful. к тексту. ответьте на вопросы. 1. what was the purpose of alexander bondarev’s visit to the usa? 2. why had he arrived an hour before the plane was due to take off? 3. how long did the flight last? 4. whom did he meet at the customs? 5. why did they have to put off the conversation till next evening? 6. whom did alexander have an appointment with? 7. why was
alexander satisfied with the business talks? 8. what did alexander learn about yuri? 9. why did alexander come black to russia in high spirits?


Ответ оставил: Гость

1. alexander b traveled to the usa on business

2.because he had to register his tecket and fill in a declaration form

3.the flight lasted 12 hours

4.he met his former co-worker, yuri ivlev

5.becaude alexandr was very pressed for time

6.he had an appointment with the director of the american trade company

7.because they discussed a lot of business problems, shared some new ideas and signed a contract

8. he learned that yuri had signed a long –term contract and was going to stay there for a year

9.he returned to russia in high spirits, because the trip had been very successful.

Ответ оставил: Гость
We all live somewhere: in an
apartment, in a house, etc. As
the English say, "My home —
my castle!”. Our house is a
place where we spend most
of our life, in addition to
work, study and travel. We
strive to set up our home and
make it as comfortable as
possible. Whether it’s a room,
apartment or house, this is a
reflection of our preferences
and desires. We demonstrate
our home to others and try to
know how other people live.
I would like to describe my
apartment, my "castle". Our
family lives in the apartment
with two bedrooms and a
living room. Our apartment is
bright and cozy, though
small. Each room is good in
its own way.
Living-room is the largest
room in the apartment. There
is a large sofa and a coffee
table there. There are the
bookshelves on the walls. In
front of the sofa there is a TV
set. This is where our family
spends the evening time and
welcomes visitors.
My parent"s bedroom is
furnished by my mother’s
taste. There is a simple
wardrobe and a big soft bed
in it. The window is decorated
with beautiful burgundy
curtains. Everything is very
simple and rustic.
Finally, let me describe my
room. It is very light. I sleep
on the couch of a light color.
In my room, there are two
cases, one for clothing and
one for the books. Between
them there is the computer
table. I decorated the room
with posters and
photographs. In the bookcase
there are souvenirs and gifts
from my friends. It seems to
be a usual room, but for me
my room is the dearest.
Ответ оставил: Гость
1 designed 
2 e-mail won 
4  invented 
Ответ оставил: Гость
Закончите предложения, используя условные II и III.
1. Если я (еще) планшет “Леново” , я (смотреть ) фильмы на нем.
2. Если мы ( не, не используем ) химикаты, то мы (не, загрязняем) нашу окружающую среду.
3. Если я (не, будьте) грубы к моим родителям, то они (дают) мне некоторые карманные деньги последние
4. Если я (буду) тобой, я (приглашаю) Кейт на вечеринку вчера.
5. Если мы (не, остановим) загрязнение воздуха и воды, то некоторые виды рыб ( не, умрут) в грязной воде.
6. Если Джим (не, познакомится) Хелен прошлой зимой, то он (не, побывать) в Германии в этом году.

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по английскому языку: Alexander bondarev, the chief manager of a russian trade firm, traveled to the usa on business last week. he had arrived at the airport an hour before the plane was due to take off. he had his ticket registered, filled in a declaration form and joined the passengers in the waiting room. when they heard the announcement, «attention, please. will pas... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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