Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01

Как БЫСТРО ВЫУЧИТЬ слова на английском? "br"


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Втретьем ряду нет слов с чередующейся гласной в корне
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The book has always occupied a huge meso in human life. In childhood we listened bedtime stories that my mother read in school textbook became our assistant. In his free time a person reads novels, detective stories of modern writers , classical works and more. So why do you need to read? The question is simple and at the same time very complex .Often the person who reads a lot , talk with special reverence and respect. Read person can maintain a conversation about literature, music and painting , many other things around us . Talk about human spirituality . Her he also , oddly enough , takes from the books. The concept of good and evil is hidden in the pages of all kinds of books, real books , reading that , you can say that I have read the "life" .Not many people think about the presence of books in my life. Now almost no people who read these books, and meaningful living . Yes and talented authors now hard to find.The book - a source of knowledge , an assistant and a friend. It can have a big impact on your destiny and deeds. Therefore, it is necessary to read the book , and read consciously and coming to understand every word. Wrote S. MikhalkovHow would we live without books .We are friends with the printed word ,If it were not for him,Neither the old nor the newWe did not know anything b !Learn, understand , comprehend , we can through books . Read, read ! This is a useful exercise . In reading reveals the soul , life is filled with meaning and heart pounding , knowing its purpose.
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Lake Titicaca with a funny name (Titicaca) - the most high-altitude lake in the world, located at an altitude of 3810 meters above sea level. Lake Length 170 km - is the largest lake in South America. According to legend, ancestors of the Inca Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo emerged from the waters of Lake Titicaca. The first thing they taught Wiracocha chief god, was the art of growing potatoes.___________________________________________________________ПЕРЕВОД___________________________________________________________Озеро со смешным названием Титикака (Titicaca) – самое высокогорное озеро в мире, находится на высоте 3810 метров над уровнем моря. Протяженность озера 170 км - это самое большое озеро Южной Америки. По преданию прародители инков Manco Capac и Mama Ocllo  вышли из вод Титикаки. Первое, чему их научил главный бог Wiracocha, было искусство выращивания картофеля.

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
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