Английский язык, опубликовано 29.01.2019 13:20

Как написать письмо другу о интересных выходных? если сможете написать сочинение ,то будьте добры!


Ответ оставил: Гость

1) informal greeting (неформальное обращение) например: dear mary, hi

2)an introduction in which you write your opening remarks and mention the reason for writing (вступление) - здесь спроси о его здоровье, как его дела, ну или что-то вроде этого

3) a main body in which you write about the the subject of the letter in detail, starting a new paragfaph for each topic ( главная тема, где ты раскрываешь суть своего письма, рассказываешь ему свой рассказ)

4) a conclusion in which you write your closing remarks (заключение, заключительная фраза) например: i've got to go now. write back soon.

5) informal ending (неформальное проание) например: love/ take care/ best wishes/ + your name)


это план письма.

в сочинении ты можешь написать что угодно. как ты ходил с друзьями по магазинам, как ты со своей семьей ходили кушать в ресторан, как ты ходила в кино или кто-то пригласил тебя на день рождения. впрочем это не



Ответ оставил: Гость
2 How many dresses have you got?
3 How much lemonade have you got?
4 How many oranges have you got?
5 How much meat have you got?
6 How many chairs have you got?
7 How many glasses have you got?
8 How much cheese have you got?
9 How many cats have you got?
10 How many shirts have you got?
11 How much jam have you got?
Ответ оставил: Гость
Инаверно не такаой . Просто набери в переводчике если не т
Ответ оставил: Гость
I would like to talk a little bit about the significance of the news in our daily life. In my opinion, it is extremely important nowadays to keep abreast of local and international news if we do not want to miss an important information that can change our lives. Many news is provided to us through television and the Internet making us aware of all current events happening throughout the world at the moment and steering us a certain way of thinking of them.
          When it comes to a source of information to trust to, I give my preference to the website www.censor.net. There are lots of articles on different topics there revealing the most interesting and discussed information for the day. The website operates on a daily basis, so all news represented there are fresh and timely.
        The most amazing thing about this website is that some local news is also covered, which is unbelievably important for me as I do not need to go to other sites seeking out for information on current issues happening in my native place. 
         The site is structured in a comfortable way for reading, - all main news connected with worldwide affairs are placed in the centre of the page,  while the news that is linked to local events, sporting and business news is situated on both sides of the website`s page. 
      The number of subscribers to the site is on the constant increase and now it approaches a million persons, which makes me feel proud of being one of them.

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
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