Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01

! !!! Put the verbs into the correct form: 1) The Queen doesn’t live in the Tower of London. 2) I am in the centre of London. I am looking at Big Ben. 3) A lot of tourists want to visit London. 4) You don’t see blood in the Bloody Tower now. 5) Which museum …are. they visiting now? 6) This house stands beside the river. 7) Who is standing in front of Buckingham Palace? 8) She doesn’t need new shoes. 9) They have a lot of books. 10) What …are. you writing at the moment?


Ответ оставил: Гость
1) There are
2)Is there
3)There is
4)There is
5)There are
6)Is there
7) ?
8)There is
9)Is there
10)Are there

Извини ухожу до конца не могу .
хочу сказать что There is ставится тогда когда оно единственное число а There are во множественном числе
Ответ оставил: Гость
Manul is widespread in Central and Middle Asia, from the Southern Transcaucasus and western Iran to Transbaikalia, Mongolia and Northwest China. Manul is an animal the size of a domestic cat. The head of a manul is small, with small round ears, which are widely spaced. The eyes are yellow. The tail of the manul is the most fluffy and dense among the felines. The color of the fur is light gray with narrow dark transverse strips. The hair has white tips, which gives the impression that the fur of the manul is priporoshen by snow. Manul is active mainly at dusk and early in the morning; In the afternoon he sleeps in a hiding place. The lair arranges in crevices of rocks, small caves, under stones, in old burrows of marmots, foxes, badgers Feeds rodents, gophers, hares and birds. Manul is the slowest and slowest of wild cats.
Ответ оставил: Гость
Where did you buy this wonderful dress?
Ответ оставил: Гость
Где фото? Извини я не могу ответить

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по английскому языку: ! !!! Put the verbs into the correct form: 1) The Queen doesn’t live in the Tower of London. 2) I am in the centre of London. I am looking at Big Ben. 3) A lot of tourists want to visit London. 4) You don’t see blood in the Bloody Tower now. 5) Which museum …are. they visiting now? 6) This house stands beside the river. 7) Who is standing in front... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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