Английский язык, опубликовано 08.02.2019 05:30

Составить диалог: look at the list below of factors contributing to a teacher’s job satisfaction. number them in order of importance to you (1 – most important). then compare and discuss your answer with a partner. security of tenure good school equipment and resources good salary a sence of achievement long holidays well-motivated students a pleasant school building a supportive head-teacher other (specify) заранее


Ответ оставил: Гость

-  what do you think is the most important thing for teacher to consider her work as a part of entertainment?

- i don't know exactly, for i'm not a teacher and even have no idea about this profession's details. but i suggest all the teachers love their job not for salary but for some kind of possibility to teach   children something new and interesting. to show us different visions of life by making us be interested in concrete subject.

- so, is it support from the teacher or a sence of achievment? i mean the thing you're talking about.

- equally both. look, teachers want us to become a clever and various ones. what should they do to realize this

- it seems i understood your idea. you mean teachers support us by helping to find right way and our vocation in this life. 

- yeah, you're right.

- but what about sence of achievment?

- oh, it depends on teachers'  wish to support pupils. by helping them, as you said, to find right way and vocation in life, they get a sence of achievement. that's a kind act, isn't it?

- yes, i think so. but what about the other factors?

- nothing.

- mmm, pardon?

- how do you think what is more important for pupils, teacher or school building?

- surely the teacher!

- yes. and what makes the teacher be loved by pupils?

- an ability to support and help, yeah?

- that's it! and a sence of achievment as an award for their labor which replaces a good salary. though sometimes teacher need more than they get, i think.

- so, the money is important too?

- but that's another topic of conversation. and i think, the money doesn't play the biggest part in teacher's working.


Ответ оставил: Гость
1. Лилия меняет свою работу в следующем месяце. 2. Мой брат становится музыкантом. 3. Знаменитый спортсмен часто дает интервью в разных журналах. 4. Я выполняю свою домашнюю работу в данный момент.(Это перевод)

Ответ- 3)
Ответ оставил: Гость
Вот стишок на английском перевод в комментариях :
 All the girls and boys
To love him had time.He is the hero of a merry book,Behind him is the propeller.Over Stockholm, he takes offHigh, but not to Mars.And the baby finds out.Who is this? CunningAnswer: Carlson
Ответ оставил: Гость
Сом пипл лив ин зе сити вере зе хаусис а вэа смол ват ин зе каунтри вэа зе хаусис а смол зе гарденс а вери биг энд ин зе ситис вэа зе хаусис а тол зере а но гарденс ат ол 

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