Английский язык, опубликовано 23.04.2019 05:09

Test present perfect continious is present perfect simple1bob his new pencil case .a. have already lost b has already lost .c has already been losting.2 we to such a big park before. a have never been.has never been.c haven't never been3my eyes are tired. since afternoon. a has been reading b have been readingc have read 4he in london for two weeks now. a has been standing b have been standingc has stayed. the rent yet. a hasn't paid b haven't been playing c haven't paid. for a long time. a has you been writing b have you been writing.c have you written. 7marta in the shopping center for 2 hours. a have been b has been c has being. 8i to go scuba diving. a have always wanted b have always been wanted c has always wanted.9 where have you been? for you all day. a has looked b have been looking. c has been looking. 10 latest news? a have you been hearing b have you heard c has you heard


Ответ оставил: Гость
1 Ann has a doll. It is her doll.
2 Bob and Jack have a bike. It is their bike.
3 We have a car. It is our car.
4 I have a pet. It is my pet.
5 Dan has a cat. It is his cat.
6 The dog has a bone. It is its bone.
7 You have a pen. It is your pen.
Ответ оставил: Гость
Мальчик Петя гулял по саду. Он вспомнил когда ему было 6 он  дружил с другом Васькой. Через три года Васька уехал изучать английский язык. Щас мальчикам было 10 лет.
 Когда Петя вернулся домой он увидел Ваську который ест дыню. Они очень обрадовались немного поговорили и сели за стол.
 Пока они ели Петя спросил Васю. 
-- Петя..
-- А?
-- Слушай, как поживает твой английский язык? Трудно учить? Много выучил?
-- Да очень сложно... Но я много выучил.
-- Васька, а Васька. Расскажи, а как по английски кот, собака, кролик? 
-- Кот это кэт... Собака дог... А кролик вроде реббит.
-- А как их писать? А другие слова знаешь?
-- Писать я их не умею... А вот ещё одно слово знаю.. лиса это вульф!
-- Как вульф? Я тоже немного английский изучал.. и лиса это фокс!
-- Как фокс? Я же пол года учил... 

Ответ оставил: Гость

People have always dreamt of travelling in space and reaching other planets. At the beginning of the 20th century a famous Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky said that mankind will not live on planet Earth forever. His predictions came true half a century later, when the first artificial satellite was launched. It was on October 4, 1957. The satellite was called Sputnik-1. However, the most important event in space exploration took place in on April 12, 1961, when spaceship “Vostok” with a man on board was launched into space. This first man who overcame gravitation was Yuri Gagarin. After successful orbiting, he returned to the Earth. This flight encouraged many other Russian cosmonauts to explore the outer space. Among them, Titov, Nikolaev, Tereshkova, Leonov, Savitskaya and others. Today the 12th of April is celebrated by Russian people every year as the Cosmonautics Day in commemoration of the first space flight. Another important event is space exploration took place on July 20, 1969. It was the day when the American astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. In 1986 Russian space station “Mir” was launched. Today, Russia wants the space exploration to be based on broad international cooperation. Many international crews went up as well. Space exploration is quickly progressing and it seems that soon we’ll be visiting other planets and even living on them. The 21st century may be the turning point. Next step is the first moonbase with scientists living in it. Other than that, people are planning to land on the nearest planet Mars soon to explore its surface.
Ответ оставил: Гость
1. A may
B may
2. A may
B may not
3. May
4. A may
B may not
5. may

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