Английский язык, опубликовано 13.03.2020 22:26

Задание во вложении! Заранее большое. Много писать не нужно.


Ответ оставил: Гость

Not so long ago I went to Saint Petersburg with my parents. My father went there on business, but he decided to take my mum and me with him. So I saw this beautiful city with its impressive buildings and palaces and picturesque canals and bridges. I had always wanted to see the grand drawbridges over the Neva River and at last I saw some of them! I think one of the most beautiful bridges in Saint Petersburg is Palace Bridge. And the best moment to see it is at sunset when the bridge opens.


Не так давно я ездил в Санкт-Петербург с родителями. Мой отец отправился туда по делам, но он решил взять с собой маму и меня. Так что я увидел этот красивый город с его впечатляющими зданиями, дворцами, живописными каналами и мостами. Я всегда хотел увидеть великолепные разводные мосты через Неву, и наконец я увидел некоторые из них! Я думаю, что один из самых красивых мостов в Санкт-Петербурге — Дворцовый мост. И лучший момент, чтобы полюбоваться им — на закате, когда мост разводят.

Ответ оставил: Гость

Last year I finished a math course that was delivered by a university  professor.  This course was of great importance to me as I decided to enter the university next year. To become a university student I have to take a math exam, so I needed some practice in solving mathematical puzzles. That's why I was happy to attend this course,  because I received not only lots of additional information about tasks that are expected to be in the examination but also learned how to do sums during lectures, that I am confident is going to be of great assistance to me in the real exam. The professor checked all our results personally and it appeared that I was even better at math than I had considered myself to be.


Ответ оставил: Гость
1) хэв, хэд, хэд
2)хат, хат, хат
3)кип, кэпт, кэпт
4) нау, ню, новн
5)лён, лёнт, лёнт
6) лэт, лэт,лэт
7) мэйк, мэйд, мэйд
8) мин, минт, минт
9)мит, мэт, мэт
Ответ оставил: Гость
Before eating, we cook it. There are different ways. We cook eggs, meat, fish and others. Before cooking the fruits clean and we cut them
Ответ оставил: Гость
Everybody may be a doctor or a teacher in Kyiv city.
The USA is a country which might create rocket cars to fly to other planets.
The UK might to use eco-cars for save of nature.
In the sea you may find so much different kinds of fish.

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