Английский язык, опубликовано 07.06.2020 04:57

2)Use the correct form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets.
1. Robert hopes (select) to play in next week's football match. 2. Sue and Richard are always arguing. They seem (have) a few problems. 3. I sent my suit (dry-clean). 4. I'm sorry (disturb) you, but could you tell me the time? 5. It is ever so kind of you (send) all those lovely flowers when I was ill. 6. If he is seriously ill, his wife wants (tell) immediately. 7. The money for charity is supposed (raise) by the organisers of the party. 8. The police are looking for a missing boy. He is believed (wear) a white pullover and blue jeans. 9. Everything is just the way it used (be). Nothing seems (change). 10. When we got to the airport, we found all the flights (cancel) that day. 11.1 meant (telephone), but I forgot. 12. You were silly (not lock) your car. 13. Why is she so late? - She can still (work). 14. You should (tell) you were coming. 15. I'm sorry (not come) last Thursday. 16. If you go out like that you're certain (recognise) sooner or later. 17. We hope (finish) the job by next Saturday. 18.1 would (go) to university if my parents had had more money. 19. Well, I am not sorry (miss) that train. I should not have met you otherwise. 20. There were always four little boys (pick up) balls and at least three dozen balls (pick up). 21. She is known (refuse) better offers than that.
3) Paraphrase the following sentences using the infinitive active or passive.

1. She was sorry that she had missed so many classes before the exams. 2. Emma was surprised when she heard of his sudden arrival. 3. She was extremely happy when she found her children safe and sound. 4. David was afraid that he would put on weight if he gave up smoking. 5. She was lucky enough that she'd been given another chance to admire the masterpiece. 6. The girl was out of breath. It seemed that she had been running. 7. When he felt worse, he was sorry that he hadn't consulted the doctor before. 8. You should give this matter top priority. 9. We expect they will invite us to the meeting with the management. 10. It is nice when someone is waiting on you at dinner. 11. I hope they will interview me for this job. 12. Go and talk with George. He believes that we have unfairly treated him.


Ответ оставил: Гость
Там тамт ататмтатмтатмтаттмтаттмттатмтатмтататамттатматматтамтатмтатмтатмттмтмтатаатататта ток ты даёшь 8 а не сто лох
Ответ оставил: Гость
Все отлично,просто одно слово beautiful с двумя л и все)
Ответ оставил: Гость
1. Our school is the best in our city.
2. My classmates are the coolest.
3. English is more difficult than physical education.
4. He is the worst teacher.
5. So far, this book is the most interesting.
6. The more I learn, the smarter I become
7. Biology is so interesting as literature is.
8. Math is the most difficult lesson.
Ответ оставил: Гость
Aero planing

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✅ Ответов: 1 на вопрос по английскому языку: 2)Use the correct form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets. 1. Robert hopes (select) to play in next week's football match. 2. Sue and Richard are always arguing. They seem (have) a few problems. 3. I sent my suit (dry-clean). 4. I'm sorry (disturb) you, but could you tell me the time? 5. It is ever so kind of you (send) all those lovely flow... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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