Английский язык, опубликовано 03.06.2020 12:18

Hi there!

My name’s Ruslan, and I live in Kharkiv. When I was eighteen years old I was lucky to go to the USA as a foreign exchange student. I spent about eleven months in a small town in California and it was a great experience!

When I came back to Ukraine, everybody asked me something like, “Tell us about America!” People asked about food, about school, about what my host family was like, and so on and so forth. But there was one common question people asked, especially my friends, “What are American teenagers like?” A question that’s good and not quite easy to answer! So, I’m going to try to tell you about the teens’ “hard life” in America.

Americans love sports. I didn’t know a single guy who wasn’t interested in one of these: football (American, of course), basketball or baseball. Those are the most popular sports; well, at least that’s what it seems like to me. Besides watching all kinds of games on TV, you could join a sports club on campus. By the way, it’s probably the best way to make friends at school. I know it from my own experience, because probably one third of the friends I made I had first met in my bodybuilding class.

There were about seventeen sports clubs in our school and all of them were popular with the students. The American schools have tennis, swimming, water polo, volleyball, track­and­field activities and all that stuff. The good thing also is, you don’t have to buy your own sports equipment, because such things as tennis rackets, football uniforms, etc. are not cheap at all. They usually give them to you for free.

Our basketball and football teams had a game just about every week. Some of the games drew a huge crowd. Everybody went crazy cheering up the teams — shouting, dancing, jumping … Besides ordinary fans, there were cheerleaders — the girls who were on the cheerleading team. Their “job” is being a sports fan. They were all dressed in the same red and white skirts and jackets and danced pretty well — all that was supposed to make better chances for our teams to win! And it worked sometimes either! Being an active sports fan sure is an important part of American teenagers’ life. Some people even think it’s far too important: a great many students go to school just because of sports, it seems they don’t even know what the main purpose of school is.
Complete the sentences.
1. Ruslan left for the USA when I was 18
2. Most of all people were interested ...
3. The best way to make friends at school is ...
4. Sports equipment is ....
5. Fans usually go ...
6. Cheerleaders usually ...


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I love to swim.so my favourite sport is swimming.I really like to see are professional athletes.I would also like to be able to swim and become a champion swimmer.swimming is very cool!

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У кожної людини в житті наступає такий момент, коли вона має вирішити ким хоче стати.Професій є багато, але я хочу стати програмістом.Щоб стати програмістом мені треба багато знати про комп°ютерні технології та принцип роботи та будову самого комп°ютера. Правда є деякі недоліки, це погіршує стан зору, але у всіх професій є  як позитивні так і негативні сторони.Ще однією важливою перевагою є гарний заробіток програмістів. Не секрет, що здатний програміст одержує більші гроші.Для того, щоб здійснилася моя мрія, мені необхідно закінчити школу з високими оцінками й успішно здати іспити.
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When I think of someone special, who I could look up to, my grandfather comes to my mind. There are, of course, many prominent people, that are worth admiring. Many teenagers are fans of some rock singers, famous actors, but for me the hero is my granddad. He is rather old now, almost 80. Nevertheless, he looks and acts as an up-to-date person. He is neither tall nor short, more of a medium height, but he is well-built. He always speaks to the point and tries to stay informed of all the current events in the world. He went through the Second World War and had several injuries. He survived the times of real famine and poverty. Growing up in a family of 15 children, he had to share one coat and one pair of shoes with his siblings. The same can be said about food. He had to share his only piece of bread or candy with a great number of starving brothers and sisters. However, they survived and they learned to appreciate every little thing in this world. By the way, my grandfather’s name is Vladimir. He is my mum’s father. He has always been good to me and my younger sister, though we are not his only grandchildren. When we were little, he would take us to the ice-cream booth at the central park and buy as much ice-cream as we wanted. He would also take us to the merry-go-round. All his life he worked at the factory, where he created vehicle parts. Although he has retired long ago, he still does some minor jobs to keep busy. Whenever any of his relatives needs help, he is always there for them. He is a great husband, a wonderful father and the best grandfather in the world.

Когда я задумываюсь о ком-то особенном, кем я могла бы восхищаться, то мне на ум приходит мой дедушка. Есть, конечно, и многие выдающиеся личности, которые достойны восхищения. Многие подростки являются поклонниками рок певцов, известных актеров, но для меня герой – мой дед. Сейчас он довольно пожилой, ему почти 80. Тем не менее, он выглядит и ведет себя как современный человек. Он не высокий и не низкий, а скорее среднего роста и хорошо сложен. Он всегда говорит по существу и пытается быть в курсе текущих событий в мире. Он прошел через Вторую мировую войну и получил несколько ранений. Он выжил во времена настоящего голода и нищеты. Выросший в семье с 15-ю другими детьми, он должен был делить одно пальто и одну пару обуви с братьями и сестрами. То же самое можно сказать и о еде. Он должен был делить свой единственный кусок хлеба или конфету с большим количеством голодающих братьев и сестер. Тем не менее, они выжили и научились ценить каждую мелочь в этом мире. Кстати, зовут моего деда Владимир. Он отец моей мамы. Он всегда был добр ко мне и моей младшей сестренке, хотя мы не единственные его внуки. Когда мы были маленькими, он водил нас к будке с мороженым в центральном парке и покупал нам столько мороженого, сколько мы хотели Он также водил нас на карусели. Всю свою жизнь он проработал на заводе, где создавал детали для транспортных средств. Хотя он уже давно на пенсии, он по-прежнему делает кое-какую работу, чтобы не скучать. Всякий раз, когда кто-либо из его родственников нуждается в нем, он всегда приходит на помощь. Он отличный муж, замечательный отец и лучший дедушка на свете.

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✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по английскому языку: Hi there!My name’s Ruslan, and I live in Kharkiv. When I was eighteen years old I was lucky to go to the USA as a foreign exchange student. I spent about eleven months in a small town in California and it was a great experience!When I came back to Ukraine, everybody asked me something like, “Tell us about America!” People asked about food, about sc... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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