Английский язык, опубликовано 03.06.2020 21:24


One hot summer day in the 1950s, Donna and her cousin Toby, who lived next door, decided to have a little adventure. At the age of six, it seemed a good idea to them. Donna's mother was working in the garden and Toby's mother was baking bread in the kitchen to share with their neighbours while it was still warm. Hidden Treasure That day, the children were bored and restless and wanted to do something exciting. Toby suggested finding hidden treasure. He thought they would bury Donna's mother's rings and later take them out of the ground. It would be like finding treasure. At first, Donna was not sure as she felt it could get them in trouble. But Toby seemed older and wiser, so she agreed. They knew Donna's mother kept her rings on the dressing table in her bedroom. She had a beautiful pearl ring and a diamond wedding ring that she wore only for special occasions. So the children thought she wouldn't miss the rings if they took them for a while. They got upstairs, entered the tidy room, which smelled of the mother's perfume, and removed the rings from their special box. Toby put the rings into his pocket and they both ran to the big field where they often played. Toby thought it was an excellent place where nobody would find the rings. They made a hole in the ground with the help of a kitchen spoon and put the secret treasure inside. Son they heard their mothers calling them for lunch and ran back home. For some unknown reason, they forgot to go back to dig up the rings and to return them to their place. About a week later, Donna's mother found out that her rings were missing and was furious. From the look on Donna's face she guessed the girl knew the truth. So Donna had to tell the whole story of her adventure with cousin Toby. At that moment she realized the seriousness of her crime. The mother demanded that Donna should show her the place. They went to the field to dig up the rings. Unfortunately Donna couldn't remember exactly where they were buried. They tried several places without success till it was absolutely dark. They kept trying to find the rings for many days but eventually they gave up. Amazingly, the mother forgave Donna. She never scolded her nor even reminded her about the lost rings. She knew that her daughter didn't mean any harm she was just a small child and did it for a game. Everyone, however, silently hoped the 'hidden treasure' would be found someday. Six years later, the field was planted with rows of little pine trees for a Christmas sale. One day, the farmer found a pearl ring in the ground and told a neighbour, who remembered the story of the lost rings. He handed the ring over. to Donna's mother. The discovery made her extremely happy. They started a new search but the other ring was never found.


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4)we buy them yet
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Do you have any traditional family recipes?
Sure we have. I`m from Russia. And our country is rich of different food. But in our family We eat Japanese and Italian food. Especially spagetti which is very famous in Italy!
How old is the tradition and what isare the dishes?
Before my Mom marries to my Dad she could cook but just traditional So my mom learnt how to cook and went to courses after what she cook European modern and Japanese food.
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Жизнь 50 лет назад
Жизнь сегодня, кажется, гораздо лучше, чем 50 лет назад. Стало намного легче справляться со многими элементарными вещами. Например, людям не приходится стирать одежду без стиральной машины. Почти в каждом доме есть микроволновая печь, пылесос, посудомоечная машина, электрическая плита. Современные технологии полностью изменили нашу жизнь к лучшему. Пятьдесят лет назад люди не могли даже представить себе, что домашними делами будут заниматься «умные» устройства. Подумать только, они не знали, что компьютеры смогут мгновенно отправлять сообщения, делать фотографии или позволят совершать видеозвонки. В то время ни у кого не было сотовых телефонов. С одной стороны, возможно, без этих гаджетов было трудно жить. С другой стороны, дети были гораздо счастливее без сотовых телефонов и карманных компьютеров. Мои бабушка с дедушкой часто рассказывают мне о своих детских и юношеских годах. Они говорят, что тогда было счастливое время и люди были другими. Люди их поколения вовсе не были коммерчески настроенными. Наше поколение живет в эпоху потребительства. Мы особо не ценим вещи и одежду. Если что-нибудь сломалось или испортилось, мы идем в магазин и легко покупаем новую вещь. Моя бабушка говорит, что она носила одну пару обуви свыше десяти лет, в то время как я хочу покупать новые туфли почти каждый сезон. Права женщин также были изменены. Пятьдесят лет назад они должны были быть прилежными домохозяйки. Сегодня женщины занимают высокие должности. Они могут быть ведущими юристами, политиками, финансистами, топ-менеджерами и управляющими. Еще один скачок вперед – это развитие возможностей для туризма. Стало быстрее, дешевле и удобнее путешествовать из одной страны в другую. Это выгодно почти для всех: для иностранных студентов, любопытствующих взрослых, международной коммерции и торговли и т.д.надеюсь этот

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✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по английскому языку: ЗАДАТЬ 10 СПЕЦ. ВО К ТЕКСТУ One hot summer day in the 1950s, Donna and her cousin Toby, who lived next door, decided to have a little adventure. At the age of six, it seemed a good idea to them. Donna's mother was working in the garden and Toby's mother was baking bread in the kitchen to share with their neighbours while it was still warm. Hidden T... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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