Английский язык, опубликовано 07.06.2020 01:46

Люди с английским вас ​


Ответ оставил: Гость
1) French was official in the UK for 300 years.
2) 25% of people living in London were born in another country.
3) More than 30,000 people residing in England are called John Smith.
4) England gave rugby and polo to the world.
5) Windsor Castle is the largest royal residence in the world.
6) London is the first city in which a subway appeared.
7) English is spoken by more than 70% of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom. Also on the island speak other languages: Welsh (Wales), Scottish Gaelic and Anglo-Scottish (Scotland), Irish and Alster-Scottish (Ireland).
8) Irish, Scots and Welsh are very proud of their countries and roots and do not like it when they are called British. And even more so do not make the mistake of calling them English.

Ответ оставил: Гость
1) She gave a loud scream and fell to the ground.
2)After questioning he allowed to go home.
3) They would have won if they played a bit harder.
4)Although they were defeated they didnt loose heart.
5)Our teacher taught us that virtue was its own reward.
6) The government has announced that taxes were raised.
7)What would he have done if he was there?
8) I am verysorry but I have not finish reading the book yet.
9) They were going to town when I saw them this morning.
10) I wish I learnt to play oina. They said it is amazing.
Ответ оставил: Гость
Нужно обязательно полностью с этими буквами? Если нет то можно написать Ben, Robinzon))
Ответ оставил: Гость
Знать бы английский не помешало бы

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