Английский язык, опубликовано 06.06.2020 21:10

Put in the article “the” or a cross “x” next to the proper nouns

_______ (1) Ukraine is the largest country in ______ (2) Europe. Its territory is 603.7
thousand km 2. It stretches from the west to the east for 1, 316 km and from the north to the
south for 893 km.
The geographical centre of ______ (3) Europe is located near the small Ukrainian town
______ (4) Rakhiv.
Neighbouring ______ (5) Ukraine are the countries of _______ (6) Bilorus, ______ (7)
Russia, ______ (8) Moldova, ______ (9) Poland, _____ (10) Hungary, ______ (11)
Slovakia and _______ (12) Romania.
There are 71 thousand rivers and streams in ______ (13) Ukraine. Their total length is
248 thousand km. The most important of them are ______ (14) Dnipro, _______ (15)
Dniester, _____ (16) Southern Bug, ______ (17) Prypyat, ______ (18) Desna. ______ (19)
Dnipro river is the major river in the country and the third longest one in _______ (20)
Europe. Its total length is 2, 285 km and 1, 205 km over the territory of ________ (21)
Ukraine. ______ (22) Danube river connects _______(23) Ukraine with seven ______ (24)
European countries.
_______ (25) Kyiv, ________ (26) Cherkasy, _______ (27) Dnipropetrovsk,
________ (28) Zaporizhzhya and _______ (29) Kherson are situated on the banks of this
river. The waters of ________ (30) Black and _______ (31) Azov Sea wash _______ (32)
Ukraine. Our country is not mountainous, though there are _______ (33) Crimean
Mountains in ________ (34) Crimean Peninsula and ________ (35) Carpathian Mountains
in the west of the country.


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вроде это переводится я слушал
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Давным-давно там жила милая девушка. маленькийЕе звали Хайди. Она жила в Швейцарии вШвейцарские Альпы с дедушкой. Он вел жизнь в горах. Она любила слышать звук SR ветер, который почти говорил с ней и помог ейпопасть домой. Она любила говорить со сладким потоком - который рос в ее саду. Каждый день летом она поднималась в горы к своему другу Петру.Питер! Посмотрела много козлов, и Хайда помоглаон. Она никогда не забывала имя всех козлов Питера. Они играли в разные игры, Хайди танцевал на полях и пел красивые песни. зимой она осталась домас дедушкой. Иногда Питер посещал ее, и они шли пешком вниз по горам, чтобы увидеть Петра
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Who are the artists? (Кто артисты?)
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People destroy this habitat. To build more houses and roads, they cut down trees In forests that are houses of ANIMALS Forest fires and poisonous chemicals from farms And plants fall into the rivers of ponds and lakes. When this Occurs, Animals can no longer survive. lf the species of FOREST ANIMALS are dying out every hour, these are PEOPLE WHO CALL ALL THIS. what we can To protect surrounding habitats? YOU CAN FIND OUT ABOUT ANIMAL HABITATS AND HELP AS ANYTHING You can also write LETTERS TO LOCAL ADVICES OR charitable foundations Ask them to do something that can solve this big problem

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✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по английскому языку: Put in the article “the” or a cross “x” next to the proper nouns WE LIVE IN UKRAINE _______ (1) Ukraine is the largest country in ______ (2) Europe. Its territory is 603.7 thousand km 2. It stretches from the west to the east for 1, 316 km and from the north to the south for 893 km. The geographical centre of ______ (3) Europe is located near the s... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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