Английский язык, опубликовано 07.06.2020 00:37

Знатоки английского, прощу Нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях и всё
1 I had 't got a scooter this year.
2. Sorry, I'm not hearing you!
3. It's more hotter than you think.
4. Kate is watch TV every day.
5. Smith's dog is barking.
6. Do you be a German?
7. I saw Jane in Saturday.
8. We don't go to school in 1st January.
9. My father is liking basketball.
10. He is a best hockey player in his team.
11. Susan is a tall.
12. I never eat the chocolate.
13. Sam isn't very tallest.
14. The Earth goes round sun.
15. Did you be at home all day?
16. Baby is playing with it's toy.
17. I don't have got a cat.
18. Had you time to finish this exercise yesterday?
19. My brother don't have a car.
20. I didn't be in London, I was in New York.​


Ответ оставил: Гость

1. I hadn't got a scooter this year

2. Sorry, i can't hear you!

3. It's hotter than you think.

4. Kate watches TV every day.

5. Smith's dog barks.

6. Have you been in German?

7. I saw Jane on Saturday.

8. We are not going to school in 1st January.

9. My father likes basketball.

10. He is the best hockey player in his team.

11. Susan is tall.

12. I have never eaten chocolate.


here you go!!!!!

Ответ оставил: Гость
Надо это задание сделать или перевести?
Ответ оставил: Гость
Was did
baked prepared
Ответ оставил: Гость
В презент конт. S+to be (am, is, are)+Ving.
В презенит симпл S+ V (ies, es, s) это окончание глаголов, я вам написал правила, а ТЕСТЫ ВЫ ДОЛЖНЫ ДЕЛАТЬ САМИИИИИИ!!!!!

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✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по английскому языку: Знатоки английского, прощу Нужно исправить ошибки в предложениях и всё 1 I had 't got a scooter this year.2. Sorry, I'm not hearing you!3. It's more hotter than you think.4. Kate is watch TV every day.5. Smith's dog is barking.6. Do you be a German?7. I saw Jane in Saturday.8. We don't go to school in 1st January.9. My father is liking basketball.1... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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