Английский язык, опубликовано 06.06.2020 22:47

с заданием, прикреплено на фото.

с заданием, прикреплено на фото.


Ответ оставил: Гость

1 I have never seen such a beautiful painting before. MOST

-This is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen.

2 Nobody finished their assignment before Tom. First

-Tom was the first to finish the assignment.

3 I'll cook dinner if you do the washing-up. LONG

I'll cook dinner as long as you do the washing-up.

4 Gary said he was very sorry that he forgot to pick you up at the station. FOR

- Gary is sorry for not picking you up at the station.

5 It's a good Idea for you to leave before the rush hour to avoid the traffic. BETTER

-You had better leave before the rush hour to avoid the traffic.

6 The recipe was very complicated and I couldn't follow it. SUCH

-It was such a complicated recipe that I couldn't follow it.

7 How long did it take you to make your film? TOOK

-Can you tell me how much time did it take you to make your film?

8 I regret not studying abroad. WISH

-I Wish I studied abroad.


Ответ оставил: Гость
1. do not clean
2. clean
3. do not
4. have
5. do not swim
6. go
7. do not live
8. do stay
Ответ оставил: Гость
4-C (здесь не уверена,т.к.указано настоящее время)
Ответ оставил: Гость
Mary`s father has 5 daughters-Nanna Nina Nona Mila what is fifth daughters name?
у отца Мэри 5 дочерей -Нанна Нина Нона Mila как зовут 5 дочь ?(Мэри)
What has a face and 2 hands  but no arms  legs?
что имеет лицо и две руки но без плечей и ног ?(часы)

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