Английский язык, опубликовано 04.06.2020 22:50

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Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp

There lived in old times a tailor named Mustapha. (Be) _____ very poor, he could not even send his son, Aladdin, to school. (Have) _____ nothing to do, Aladdin spent his time in the streets (play) _____ with other poor boys. The father, (worry greatly) _____ by his poor life, did not live long. One day, soon after his father's death, while (play) _____ in the street, Aladdin saw a stranger, (stand) _____ nearby and (look) _____ at him very attentively. This stranger was a magician. (Come) _____ closer and (take) _____ Aladdin by the hand, he said, “Aren't you the son of Mustapha, the tailor?” (Hear) _____ that Mustapha was dead, the magician cried, “I am your uncle, my boy. I have been away for forty years, while (travel) _____ in Persia and India. Tell your mother that I will visit her tomorrow.”

(Return) _____ home, Aladdin told his mother about his uncle. (Never hear) _____ of any relatives, she answered (laugh) _____, “But, my son, you have no uncles.” But the next day the magician came to their home (bring) _____ a lot of food and wine. While (eat) _____, they talked about Aladdin's future, and the stranger said he would find him a good job. (Feel) _____ very thankful to the man, Aladdin's mother did not ask him any unpleasant questions. (Finish) _____ supper, the magician left the house, (promise) _____ to come again in the morning. The next day the magician took the boy out of town into some big mountains (say) _____ that he would show Aladdin some wonderful things. (Collect) _____ some wood, the man made a fire, (mutter) _____ some magical words all the time, and suddenly a great smoke arose, and the earth opened, (uncover) _____ a small door. (Terribly frighten) _____, Aladdin was about to run away, but the magician stopped him, (tell) _____ him that there was a great treasure (lie) _____ behind that door, which only Aladdin would be able to take. (Mutter) _____ some magical words again, the man opened the door, and then, (take) _____ a ring from his finger, he gave it to the boy, saying that this ring would help him in any troubles. (Instruct) _____ how to find the treasure, Aladdin stepped down into the cave.


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Как Росомахе достались стальные когти в результате биохимических опытов, так и Уэйд Уилсон, он же Дэдпул (Райан Рейнольдс), попав в руки ученых, приобрел способность к регенерации. Побочным эффектом этой операции явилось постоянное изменение клеточной структуры и неадекватное, на первый взгляд, поведение. Его самое горячее желание - быть как все, но, кроме него, никому это не надо, и Дэдпул оказывается в водовороте коварных интриг, жестоких игр и беспощадных схваток...

As Wolverine received the steel claws as a result of biochemical experiments, Wade Wilson, also Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), having fallen into the hands of scientists, acquired the ability to regenerate. The side effect of this operation was a constant change in the cellular structure and an inadequate, at first glance, behavior. His most ardent desire is to be like everyone else, but apart from him, no one needs it, and Deadpool is in a whirlpool of insidious intrigues, cruel games and merciless fights ...
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✅ Ответов: 2 на вопрос по английскому языку: Раскройте скобки, используя необходимую форму причастия. Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp There lived in old times a tailor named Mustapha. (Be) _____ very poor, he could not even send his son, Aladdin, to school. (Have) _____ nothing to do, Aladdin spent his time in the streets (play) _____ with other poor boys. The father, (worry greatly) _____ by... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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