Английский язык, опубликовано 18.06.2020 17:18

Open the brackets using sequence of tenses. 1) He said he (to do) it tomorrow afternoon. 2) Mary says she already (to read) that book. 3) My mother said that she (can) not tell me the right time. 4) I asked Alex if he ever (to travel) by air before. 5) The visitors were told that the guide (to come) back in twenty minutes. 6) We didn’t know that you already (to watch) this movie. 7) He admits that he (to know) the laws of the country. 8) Julia knew why I (not to come) the previous night to the party.


Ответ оставил: Гость

1) He said he would do it tomorrow afternoon.  

2) Mary says she has already read that book.

3) My mother said that she could not tell me the right time.  

4) I asked Alex if he had ever traveled by air before.  

5) The visitors were told that the guide would come back in twenty minutes.  

6) We didn’t know that you had already watched this movie.  

7) He admits that he knows the laws of the country.  

8) Julia knew why I hadn't come the previous night to the party.

Ответ оставил: Гость
The sun is shining.
The snow is faling.
It is raining.
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✅ Ответов: 1 на вопрос по английскому языку: Open the brackets using sequence of tenses. 1) He said he (to do) it tomorrow afternoon. 2) Mary says she already (to read) that book. 3) My mother said that she (can) not tell me the right time. 4) I asked Alex if he ever (to travel) by air before. 5) The visitors were told that the guide (to come) back in twenty minutes. 6) We didn’t know that yo... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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