Английский язык, опубликовано 30.06.2020 23:06

[30б] 4 теста по английскому! Заранее благодарю!

28) Nobody knows what ... at this meeting but she ... to him since .
A) was said/ has not spoken
B) is said / has not spoken
C) has said/ has not spoken
D)was said/ did not speak
E) is being said / does not speak

34)They said they ... me as soon as they ... to California
A) phoned/ get
B) will phone/ get
C)would phone/ got
D) have phoned/ got
E)phoned /would get

38) Choose the right variant of the indirect speech. "You must do what you are told"- Father said to his son. Father told his son that he ... what he ... .
A) must do/ is told
B) had to do/ were told
C) must have done/ was told
D) was to do / told
E) must do / was told

40) ... chair the meeting.
A) It was decided that John
B) John was decided to should
C) They decided that John should
D) It had been decided to
E) They decided

( еще 5 тестов есть в вопросах)


Ответ оставил: Гость


Всё что успела решить.

Ответ оставил: Гость
Все правильно
ты молодец
Ответ оставил: Гость
The Metropolitan hotel "Aurora MARRIOTT Royal" is the first in Eastern Europe to offer its guests the services of butlers. This service is provided at the hotel since its opening in 1999, the Idea to create a service butlers belonged to the first General Manager of the hotel Heresy Jaron and the Director of guest services Heather Todd heiser. As told by Ms. Todd heiser, given that the services of Butler is a unique service not only in Moscow but also in the world as a whole, the decision was immediately put Aurora in some of the best hotels in the capital.
At first the hotel only worked six butlers that cater to guests staying in suites and club card owners Marriott Marquis, Golden and Platinum. Since 2000 the Butler service was included in the price of all room categories and is now available to all guests of the hotel. In this regard, the staff butlers was expanded to 17 people. All the incumbents of this office have higher education or study at the undergraduate institutions, mostly on a speciality "hotel business."
Most butlers were trained in private British school, a high level of training ten of them confirmed by an appropriate certificate. Service Manager Leila Usubov trained in a London hotel The Lanesborough and now she can conduct the trainings. By the way, the unusual uniform butlers in tails and white gloves --also sewn in the UK.
Butlers "Aurora" greeted guests at the door with a glass of champagne and introduced to the infrastructure of the hotel. In the future, the guest will be able at any time to seek the assistance of Butler, butler by clicking the button on the phone. According to Leyla Subway, Butler service differs from the Concierge the fact that if the latter engaged in "outside" tasks, i.e. ensure the guest information about the city, the butlers solve "internal" problems of the guest related directly with the hotel. So, the duties of a Butler includes unpacking and packing of suitcases, the so-called butler breakfast — morning tea, coffee or juice and newspaper in the room and taxi call, tickets booking, Shoe Shine, etc.
Ответ оставил: Гость

Today the danger to our natural world is increasing every day and many species are becoming extinct. Modern life is bad for them. The air is not fresh and the water is not clean. They don’t often have good things to eat and space to live. Every day people destroy rainforests and when trees are cut down many animals lose their homes. We need to do something soon or else many creatures won’t survive.

We can find the names of many animals, fish and birds in the Red Book. These animals are rare – we hardly ever see them in the wild. People must take special care of them all.

For example, Indian tigers are in the Red Book now. People have hunted and killed many tigers in India. Some people killed them to save their domestic animals or their lives. And some people killed the tigers for fun or for their beautiful skin which they can easily sell at high prices. As a result, there are few Indian tigers on the Earth now. Many of them are old animals and most tigers hide from people in deep dark forests. And the question is: “Have these animals got a future?”

We should do whatever we can to make sure endangered species become survive. People must find the right balance between land, people and animals.


Сегодня опасность для нашего природного мира растёт с каждым днем, и многие виды живых существ вымирают. Современная жизнь не подходит для них. Воздух - не свежий, а вода - не чистая. Они часто не имеют хорошей пищи и места для проживания. Ежедневно люди разрушают тропические леса, и когда деревья вырубаются - многие животные теряют свои дома. Мы должны что-то предпринять в ближайшее время, в противном случае - много живых существ не выживет.

Мы можем найти имена многих животных, рыб и птиц в Красной книге. Эти животные являются редкими - мы вряд ли когда-нибудь встретим их в дикой природе. Люди должны проявлять особую заботу о таких животных.

Например, индийские тигры занесены сейчас в Красную книгу. Люди охотились и убивали большое количество тигров в Индии. Некоторые люди убивали тигров, чтобы спасти своих домашних животных или свою жизнь. А некоторые люди убивали их ради удовольствия или для получения красивой шкуры, которую они могли легко продать по высоким ценам. В результате, - в настоящее время на земле осталось мало индийских тигров. Многие из них - старые животные, и большинство тигров скрывается от людей в глубоких темных лесах. И можно задать вопрос: "Есть ли у этих животных будущее?"

Мы должны сделать все от нас зависящее, чтобы убедиться в том, что находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения виды выживут. Люди должны найти правильный баланс между землей, людьми и животными.

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
✅ Ответов: 1 на вопрос по английскому языку: [30б] 4 теста по английскому! Заранее благодарю!28) Nobody knows what ... at this meeting but she ... to him since .A) was said/ has not spokenB) is said / has not spokenC) has said/ has not spokenD)was said/ did not speakE) is being said / does not speak34)They said they ... me as soon as they ... to CaliforniaA) phoned/ getB) will phone/ getC)wou... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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