Английский язык, опубликовано 10.01.2019 04:51

язык, 7 класс. , .

Choose a hobby which is described in each sentence.

Chess, collecting antiques, jogging, DIY, photography, making own clothes, playing a musical instrument

1. I usually use colour, but sometimes you get a better effect with black and white. It really depends on the subject.

2. I really enjoy going round the shops and markets looking for a bargain.

3. I try to practise every day, but sometimes it's difficult because I don't like to disturb my neighbours too much. And one neighbour gets very angry if I play the same thing over and over again.

4. The great thing is you can do it when you like. I usually do it three or four times a week -either early in the morning, or after school. I only go for about 25 minutes but it really keeps me fit.

5. Obviously it saves me a lot of money; and in any case, I hate buying things in boutiques because so many things are badly made.

6. I joined a club because I wanted to get better, and I now play twice a week in the evenings. It has helped me a lot and I have a much better memory for all the different moves and strategies.

7. I think this is a very common hobby for people like me, who have a house but don't have much money. That’s why I started, but now I think I do a better job than many professionals.


Ответ оставил: Гость

1. must get a visa

2. should apply for a visa at least one month before you go

3. can't stay there longer than your visa is opened to

4. should have a return ticket or you will have some problems to get the desirable date

5. needn't (don't have to) book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot of vacancies

6. must get a work permit if you want to work there

7. should visit san francisco, because people think it's the most beautiful city in america

8. need't (don't have to ) change your money before you go, because there are many 24-hour banks

9. can hire a car because it's the easiest way to travel

10. mustn't break the speed limits or you will have problems with the police

11. should visit your physician before you go to keep your health good far from your home

12. should have special injections before you go to keep your health good


Ответ оставил: Гость

1 - photography

2 - collecting antiques

3 - playing a musical instrument

4 - jogging

5 - making own clothes

6 - chess

7 - diy

Ответ оставил: Гость
Электронный лист?
Что конкретно тебе нужно,напиши в комментарии.Ниже.

Ответ оставил: Гость
They have got fifteen children.
Damien has got jobs to do.
He has not.
Ответ оставил: Гость
где-то около месяца назад Я шла в кино с подругой и хотела посмотреть фильм Алиса в Зазеркалье. Мы купили билеты они стоили недорого, после этого купили поесть и попить. а потом мы ждали пока нас не пригласят в зал просмотр фильма. кино длилось очень много целых 2 часа. Чесно говоря, моя подруга чуть не уснула, но нам очень понравилось. Там говорилось о девочке Алисе которая попала в Зазеркалье, там же и шляпник и заяц и много-много-много кто и они любили устраивать чаепития с разными сладостями например с печеньем и зефиром. но на чаепития опаздывать нельзя было. мне понравилась Алиса, а моей подруги очень сильно понравился шляпник. всё что смогла, с тем помогла

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
✅ Ответов: 1 на вопрос по английскому языку: язык, 7 класс. , . Choose a hobby which is described in each sentence. Chess, collecting antiques, jogging, DIY, photography, making own clothes, playing a musical instrument 1. I usually use colour, but sometimes you get a better effect with black and white. It really depends on the subject. 2. I really enjoy going round the shops and markets look... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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