Английский язык, опубликовано 31.03.2019 11:20

Зделайте 5 предложений present simple и 5 present countinius


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Present simple: 1) jane does know how to cook. ( джейн действительно умеет готовить)2) they play tennis every weekend. (  они играют в теннис каждые выходные)3) the volga is the longest river in europe. ( волга – самая длинная река в европе.)4) the ivanovs go to turkey every summer.(ивановы ездят в турцию каждое лето.) 5)he does not go to the university. ( он не ходит в университет  )
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Eiffel Tower - is the most famous architectural landmark of Paris, known as the symbol of France, erected in the Campus Martius, and named after its designer Gyustafa Eiffel.
It is the most recognizable and tallest building in Paris, its height with the new antenna is 324 meters, which is approximately equal to the house in the 81 floor !
The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889 and has an amazing history of origin. In 1889 in Paris, to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution, was held World Exhibition, the exhibition thanks to the city government to come up with and instructed to erect a temporary structure serving her entrance arch .
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1. When will the students arrange the date and time?
2. Who likes taking photos?
3. Where did the friends go yesterday?
4. How many lessons do the students usually have?
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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
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