Қазақ тiлi, опубликовано 07.06.2020 03:00

Құстарға қамқорлык мәтін құрау


Ответ оставил: Гость
48 яйцо....................
Ответ оставил: Гость
Мен Парижде тұрғым келеді. Онда бəрі əдемі. Менің үйім үлкен жəне жарық сосын таза болса деп қалаймын. Онда өз бөлмем ата-анамның бөлмелері болады. Үлкен джакузи жəне бассейн. Менің мектебім алыста болмаса деп тілеймін. Өзімнің көршілеріммен танысым солардың балдарымен ойняим.
Ответ оставил: Гость
There are many styles of clothing. Classic or sporty, retro or just what is comfortable. Some styles are regularly replaced by others, and this cycle has no stoppage. Classic style is an organic combination in one image of simple, rigorous and elegant things. Sportswear is designed exclusively for sports, and a wardrobe in a sports style can be used for everyday wear. The retro style in clothes surprises with its elegance, charm and charm of fashionable women from all over the world.
In my wardrobe there is a good collection of clothes. There is a pair of school suits, which are of classical style. Then I have a few jeans and t-shirts for ordinary days. And finally, I have a couple of bright and beautiful dresses for parties and special occasions. Most of all I like to wear simple jeans with T-shirts or sweatshirts. I think that this is not only convenient, but also stylish.
The main thing in clothes is convenience and that you like it.
Ответ оставил: Гость
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