Беларуская мова, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01

Жэня, Алеша и Янка вярталися з грыбоу. Сення Яны натрапили на грыбную мясцинку, набрали поуныя кошики баравикоу. Настрой вам усих бык цудоуны. Хлопчики весела перагаворвалися, хвалился своими лепшими знаходками. Неузабаве стары бор скончыуся. Хутка павинна была паказацца их веска. Сябры прибавили уроку. Знайдзтце у першым сказе назоуники. Падкрэслице словы, якими гэтыя назоуники змяняюцца у иншых сказах. Знайдзице у тексце аднакараневыя словы. Выдзелицеиу их корень.


Ответ оставил: Гость
Ответ оставил: Гость

длина ребер 5*12=60 см

площадь = (5*4)*6=120 см²

Ответ оставил: Гость



ответ: 10

Ответ оставил: Гость
  i am a pupil. i go to school. my sister is a pupil too. she studies well. tom and bob are fine. you are in the park. they have   got a house. my uncle   has got a car. i have lunch at school. tom has lunch at home. my brother goes to school. his sisters goes  to school. we buy bread every day. mother buys ice-cream on sunday. mr brown lives in london. the greens live in new york. jane likes to play with her dolls. tom and bob like to play football. this girl skates in the park. my cat runs in the garden. the kittens jump in the room. we do our homework. tom does his homework. men like to play football. this man  plays  tennis well. tom's friend goes to school. bob's friends play hockey. ann's aunt lives in london. kate's uncles live in moscow. we have soup for lunch. this woman is my aunt. these women swim well. that woman sings well. my sister and i help our mother. his sister cooks dinner. ann and jane read a lot of books. kate writes a lot of letters. his granny often works in the garden. the child likes to play with the toys. these children like to play with the dog. they clean their room on sunday. jane washes  her hands before dinner. kate watches tv in the evening. granny gives me milk in the evening. mrs smith's son drinks juice after lunch. we eat porridge every morning. john's cat often catches mice. some mice live under the house. my father works every day. little children often cry. my little brother often cries. the bird flies in the sky. this fish swims  in the river. these fish swim in the river.

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Беларуская мова, опубликовано 09.01.2019 16:01
✅ Ответов: 3 на вопрос по беларуской мове: Жэня, Алеша и Янка вярталися з грыбоу. Сення Яны натрапили на грыбную мясцинку, набрали поуныя кошики баравикоу. Настрой вам усих бык цудоуны. Хлопчики весела перагаворвалися, хвалился своими лепшими знаходками. Неузабаве стары бор скончыуся. Хутка павинна была паказацца их веска. Сябры прибавили уроку. Знайдзтце у першым сказе назоуники. Падкрэсли... ты найдешь на сайте. Также ты можешь добавить свой вариант ответа, если считаешь, что он не верен или твой ответ более полный. Пожалуйста, добавляй только правильные ответы.
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