Математика, опубликовано 06.06.2020 19:56

вычислить (с точностью до двух знаков после запятой) площадь поверхности, образованной вращением дуги кривой L вокруг указанной оси. L: 3x = y3 (0 ≤ y ≤ 2), Oy​


Ответ оставил: Гость
In my beloved city there are many wonderful monuments, and they say that some of them were sculpted by a famous architect, who is devoted to many interesting articles in the press. There are few ancient buildings on city streets, but there are several spacious squares and green parks where young couples stroll and a funny kid runs around. I also like spending time in one of these parks with marble benches, rainbow fountains sparkling in summer, and falling leaves rustling underfoot in winter.

I love my city for its wide sidewalks and white borders, flower beds with floral arrangements, and especially for the proud character of the people, passed down from generation to generation. Here the streets and monuments are named after national heroes, in the center in the evenings jazz groups play and street musicians perform. In one of my favorite squares in the warm season, “live” sculptures strolling, delighting children and adults, and when the circus arrives, real fun reigns.
Ответ оставил: Гость
In my beloved city there are many wonderful monuments, and they say that some of them were sculpted by a famous architect, who is devoted to many interesting articles in the press. There are few ancient buildings on city streets, but there are several spacious squares and green parks where young couples stroll and a funny kid runs around. I also like spending time in one of these parks with marble benches, rainbow fountains sparkling in summer, and falling leaves rustling underfoot in winter.

I love my city for its wide sidewalks and white borders, flower beds with floral arrangements, and especially for the proud character of the people, passed down from generation to generation. Here the streets and monuments are named after national heroes, in the center in the evenings jazz groups play and street musicians perform. In one of my favorite squares in the warm season, “live” sculptures strolling, delighting children and adults, and when the circus arrives, real fun reigns.
Ответ оставил: Гость

Peter is an unofficial abbreviated name for the city of Saint Petersburg (Russia). It is usually used in colloquial speech, in the press, and on the Internet. It is common among residents of other Russian cities, as well as among native residents of St. Petersburg.The name appeared in the XVIII century as a result of the colloquial abbreviation of the original name-St. Peter-Burch (from the Dutch Pieter — Peter, see the History of St. Petersburg). The official name of the city in Finnish is formed from the Russian colloquial Peter Pietari. In my opinion it is the most beautiful city in the World

Ответ оставил: Гость

Peter is an unofficial abbreviated name for the city of Saint Petersburg (Russia). It is usually used in colloquial speech, in the press, and on the Internet. It is common among residents of other Russian cities, as well as among native residents of St. Petersburg.The name appeared in the XVIII century as a result of the colloquial abbreviation of the original name-St. Peter-Burch (from the Dutch Pieter — Peter, see the History of St. Petersburg). The official name of the city in Finnish is formed from the Russian colloquial Peter Pietari. In my opinion it is the most beautiful city in the World

Ответ оставил: Гость
Ответ оставил: Гость
В классах А  и Б  учатся 3/10+4/7*7/10=3/10+28/70=(3*7+28)/70=49/70=7/10 всех шестиклассников. Тогда в классе В учатся 18 учащихся, которые составляют 3/10 от общего числа. Тогда всего шестиклассников по правилу пропорции х=18/0,3=60 человек.

Ответ: 60 человек.
Ответ оставил: Гость

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