МХК, опубликовано 23.01.2022 18:06

Сравните византийскую мозаику гостеприимство авраама с известной вам фреской феофана грека троица


Ответ оставил: Гость

действительно,корень слова-внутренний смысл слова,это его основа,на чем оно строится,это подобно фонорю,внутри которого,если нет огонька нет и света,а без света фонарь бесполезен! ,так и корнем слова,без него не было бы и разнообразных склонений,и форм слова!

Ответ оставил: Гость

1) today, drugs, alcohol, fights, murders and other violence associated with young people.2) government studies show that one in five adolescent commits criminal acts.3) anti-social behavior of adolescents is often associated with problems in school, family.4) for some children, a drinking problem, domestic violence becomes more real than reality.5) very often adults do not understand teenagers. and this lack of understanding leads to many problems.6) on the one hand, adults can give children a lot of freedom and rights, but on the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously.7) many teens say their parents are quite indifferent to their problems, although they may allow them all.8) without a doubt, the problems of adolescents will increase in the coming years.9) but young people need to feel that adults care about them, care for them.

Ответ оставил: Гость

tim- hello.

shop- hllo, tim. what do you want today?

tim-i want a bag of potatoes,please.

shop-here you are. anything else?

tim-i also want a pack of eggs and some sausages, please.

shop-sorry, we haven't got any    sausages but we have got eggs. here you are.a pack of eggs

tim-i want a jar of cucumbers and a carton of orange juice.


Ответ оставил: Гость
Опорные слова-главные слова, которые можно использовать при рассказе о чем-либо

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